Lisa Ciccarello
Making writing a delight

Prompts, ekphrasis, ritual—if there's a way to make writing more fun, I'll try it.Because I believe the best writing happens when you're having the best time doing it.
You can make poems out of anything that fascinates you.I've written poems inspired by movies, anime, video games, 18th century prison reports & random prompts.Those poems have been published in chapbooks, journals & a full-length book, proving that if you love something, it's likely others will too.I'd love to help you turn your curiosities & interests into works of art.
The Conjuring Word
Semimonthly notes from me on making magic through writing:

Get Creative

Hello there!I'm Lisa Ciccarello, author of At Night (Black Ocean, 2015), a full-length book of poetry, as well as 10 chapbooks.My poems have appeared in over 60 journals, including Tin House,, Denver Quarterly, the PEN Poetry Series, Handsome, & The Volta, among others.I hold an MFA in Poetry from the University of Arizona.

A curated selection:{Click the title to go directly to the poem.}
Books & Chapbooks
Below is a selection of works that are available to read or purchase.{Click the image for more information.}

Lisa Ciccarello is the author of At Night (Black Ocean, 2015), a full-length book of poetry, as well as several chapbooks.Her poems have appeared in Tin House,, Denver Quarterly, the PEN Poetry Series, Handsome, & The Volta, among others.She holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of Arizona.She loves collaborative work, & finding ways to share poems through comics, zines, bots, stickers, gifs, games & more.Connect with her online or contact her using the icons below.Be the first to see her newest works by joining her on Patreon
Things I love This website is made with carrd, as is my poetry prompt challenge website.I get my domains through namecheap, I think they're the best.
Make poetry part of your every day, & infuse your writing practice with more fun & ease, by joining my Patreon.When you join you'll get:
access to a library of 100+ exclusive projects, including poems, readings, short stories, zines, games & more
behind the scenes updates of ongoing poems & projects
community chats for sharing wins, inspiraitons & resources, as well as asking questions abt my writing journey or anything that comes up in your own artistic practice
You'll also find:
writing prompts
free access to resources that are for sale in my shop (like this line a day fillable journal)
& seasonally themed kits for infusing a sense of ritual into your writing time
A few of the games I've made, either on my own or in collaboration with others.Have fun playing them!